The lamp shade can also be decorated with LOL Surprise cutouts, and craft glue works best for this. Attach it with Krazy glue and seal the artwork with contact paper or acrylic spray. One LOL Surprise Doll should be colored and cut out for the base of the lamp. If your child has an old bedroom lamp that you don’t mind being turned into a craft, maybe it’s time to deck it out LOL style. Spray the finished craft lightly with acrylic spray, and your child will have a LOL Surprise Doll bracelet! 8. When the doll is colored and cut out, it should be carefully glued around the circumference of the “bracelet” using invisible glue. The cardboard circle should be cut in half on one side to create a cuff-style bracelet. Start with the coloring page and the end of wrapping paper cardboard. These engaging dolls are perfect if your youngster wants to make a colorful bracelet. Pink glitter, craft gems, and colored pom-poms can be used to add texture, and your youngster has an adorable homemade jewelry box.

It should then be glued longways to the surface of the shoebox’s lid and sealed with contact paper. Have the youngster color a favorite LOL Doll, and cut the figure from the page. Begin with an ordinary, child-size shoebox, and line the outer sides with construction paper. Making a LOL Surprise Doll jewelry box is not as difficult as it may seem. When a long piece of yarn is used to string the “flags” together, the result is a fun, bright classroom banner. They should then be glued to construction paper backgrounds, with the top of the paper folded down to create a straw-like tunnel. Let the youngsters color various LOL Surprise Dolls, and trim the pages at the bottom in two “Vs” to look like flags. This craft is a great way to add a huge splash of color to any classroom. The key when playing with this mask is for the youngsters to make their eyes as big as possible. The youngster should make giant holes for eyes and a large craft stick attached to the bottom of the face. When finished, the page should be glued to the poster board and cut out. Design a Comical LOL Surprise Maskįor this fun craft, give the youngster a coloring page featuring a LOL Surprise Doll’s face. The youngster can keep this cute creation as a keepsake or use it as a greeting card. This ensemble should then be glued to the inside of a blank card and a message written on the opposite side. Once the character is colored and cut out, it should be glued to the center of a craft doily. Have the youngsters choose LOL Surprise Dolls in their favorite colors, and give each child a piece of construction paper to match. Outfits can be made from construction paper as well the possibilities are limitless! 3. Using other LOL Surprise coloring pages, have the child trace and cut out different outfits for the dolls.

Give your youngster three to four characters to color, and laminate the pages onto thin cardboard before cutting them out. Lots of kids love paper dolls, and LOL Surprise Dolls made from coloring pages are super fun. This adorable ornament will stand on its own to brighten up any corner! 2. When the LOL Surprise Doll is colored and cut out, it should be glued to the base of the ornament and embellished with lots of glitter or craft gems. Use hearts cut from red construction paper to decorate the cones in a random pattern. Begin by having each child fold a blue piece of construction paper into a cone shape. This unusual craft is loads of fun and super easy. If those coloring pages are piling up, try these interesting and inexpensive crafts. LOL Surprise Dolls are popular because they are unique, and they’re a surprise because you never know which one you’re getting until it’s unwrapped. 10 Craft Ideas To Do With LOL Surprise Coloring Pages